Welcome to Labombarde Studios.

Here is a small sample of my artwork.  Please help yourself to some virtual pizza and have a look.  Thank You for visiting…

My artworks hang in public and private collections around the globe.

artwork and logo design by Chad LaBombarde for a Spanish film company.

acrylic on Bristol paper

*seen in the bottom left corner of movie poster

“Joker Production”

Movie name “Desperate Ghosts”


Online Radio advertisement for 92.7 FM WGFR ranked 2nd in the United States for most creative Radio Show 2013

artwork Chad LaBombarde

acrylic on Bristol paper



Album and CD cover artwork for the band

Last Daze

lead singer Katy Ashe, Music Teacher of Sawyer Fredricks

artwork Chad LaBombarde

acrylic on canvas



artwork by Chad LaBombarde for Zero Percent Poetry Magazine

acrylic on Bristol paper



EP Album cover artwork by Chad LaBombarde

for Chloe Boleti’s single

“In My Head”

acrylic on Bristol paper

listen here

   Gaggin’ Dragon

     digital art

Chad LaBombarde


Digital Artwork by Chad LaBombarde

Commerce follows the Arts